GSK2021-A ICNALE-AS2R (ICNALE with Argumentative Structure and Sentence Reordering)

Description: This language resource is a collection of English learner essays which are excepted from ICNALE: International Corpus Network of Asian Learners based on two criteria: grammatical error free and moderately scored. Each essay is annotated with the argument structure and sentence rearrangement for improving essays.
See the attached README for more information.
Creator: Dr. Takenobu TOKUNAGA (School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Dr. Shin’ichiro ISHIKAWA (Kobe University)
Price: No commercial use. Limited to academic and educational pursuits.
GSK Members can use the “Free Limited Distribution Language Resource to GSK Members” Service completely free of charge, limited to one time throughout a given year. In the event that a member uses this service for any “Free Limited Distribution Language Resource for GSK Members” more than once during any given year, a charge of 5,500 yen per incident (excluding shipping fees and applicable taxes) will be assessed. A sum of 33,000 yen (including shipping fees and applicable taxes) will be charged per incident for non-members.
Free Limited Distribution Language Resources for GSK Members
In the case of overseas delivery, it shall be determined case by case.
Format:Zip file (3.5MB)

For acquiring the above language resource, fill out all necessary items on the Application for and Compliance of Use Form (for above resource only), and send to our office via email, fax, or postal service. We will send documents including the billing statement through return mail. Please insure the proper billing address is indicated on the application, if different from your address. Also make sure to reference our page on “Membership and Usage Types for Individuals and Groups” concerning the Application for and Compliance of Use Form.
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