GSK2015-A Konan-JIEM Learner Corpus Fourth Edition

This version is not available as the fifth version has been released.
Description: The Konan-JIEM (KJ) learner corpus (fourth edition) was collected and annotated by Konan University and The Japan Institute for Educational Measurement, Inc. (JIEM). The KJ learner corpus is only available for research and educational purposes. The KJ learner consists of 233 essays written by Japanese college students where all essays are manually annotated with grammatical errors, POS tags, and phrase structures. It also consists of error detection/correction results with the error detection/correction systems obtained in Error Detection and Correction Workshop (EDCW:
The feature of this edition is the manual phrase structure annotation.
Creator: Konan University
The Japan Institute for Educational Measurement, Inc.
Price: No commercial use. Limited to academic and educational pursuits.
Individual with membership: 22,000 yen, Individual without membership: 44,000 yen, Group with membership: 44,000 yen, group without membership: 88,000 yen. Additional costs: Shipping: 3,300 yen. In the case of overseas delivery, it shall be determined case by case.
Format:1 CD-ROM